李晓晗的博客 Java Coder












  • 账号: sys
  • 密码: sys
  • 数据库: XE
  • connect as: SYSDBA




表都是按以上步骤安装自带的,打开客户端,左上角file→new→SQL window,输入sql语句,F8执行,单行数据执行不用加分号,多行执行要加上

基本查询 select from
select * from hr.employees --查询整个表,hr.emloyees是表名
select * from hr.employees e --结果同上,e是自己起的别名
select salary from hr.employees --查询月薪,字段salary是月薪
select salary*12 from hr.employees 
select salary/22 from hr.employees
select salary*12 "年薪" from hr.employees --给salary*12起个名字:年薪
select salary*12 as "年薪" from hr.employees --同上
select salary*12 年薪 from hr.employees --同上
select salary*12 as 年薪 from hr.employees --同上
字符串拼接 ||,concat
/* || */
select last_name,first_name from hr.employees
select last_name || first_name from hr.employees 
select last_name || ' ' || first_name from hr.employees

/* concat */
select concat(last_name,first_name)from hr.employees 
select concat(last_name,concat(' ',first_name))from hr.employees 
oracle中的concat只能传两个参数,想要多个值连接只能多重嵌套,会影响性能,所以一般会使用   。mysql中的concat可以传多个参数
消除重复行 distinct
select department_id from hr.employees
select distinct department_id from hr.employees
条件限定 where
/* = 等于; > 大于; < 小于; >= 大于等于; <= 小于等于; <> 不等于 */
select * from hr.employees where salary > 5000 
select * from hr.employees where salary <> 24000
/* between and 在...之间 */
select * from hr.employees where salary between 3000 and 5000 
-- 查询月薪在3000与5000之间的员工
/* in() 在这些值中,括号里可以写若干个值 */
select * from hr.employees where salary in(24000,17000,6000)
/* like 模糊查询,%代表任意匹配,有几个、有没有都无所谓;_代表有并且只有一个字符(区分大小写) */
select * from hr.employees where first_name like '%a_'
/* is null 为空 */
select * from hr.employees where department_id is null
/* and 与 */
select * from hr.employees where salary >= 3000 and salary <= 5000
/* or 或 */
select * from hr.employees where first_name like '%a_' or first_name like '_a%'
/* not 非 */
select * from hr.employees where first_name not like '%a_'


1.查询所有员工的姓名(last_name+’ ‘+first_name),工资,年终奖金(工资的百分之八十 乘以 commission_pct 在加500)别名(年终奖)。commsission_pct是年终奖系数.

select last_name || ' ' || first_name 姓名,salary 工资,salary*commission_pct+500 年终奖 
from hr.employees
-- 由于这个表commission_pct没有值,如果我们想让空值默认为0可以这样
select last_name || ' ' || first_name 姓名,salary 工资,salary*nvl(commission_pct,0)+500 年终奖 
from hr.employees -- 这样就算没有年终奖系数就按0计算



select last_name || ' ' || first_name 姓名,salary 工资,job_id 岗位 
from hr.employees 
where salary >=2000 and salary <= 3000 and job_id like '%ERK'


select distinct job_id 岗位编号 
from hr.employees 
where job_id like '%L%' and (job_id like '%N' or job_id like '%K') 
-- 因为与的优先级大于或,所以要加括号

排序查询 order by
select * from hr.employees order by salary desc --倒序
select * from hr.employees order by salary asc --正序
select * from hr.employees order by salary --默认正序

关联查询 left join/right join/inner join
/* 别名是为了区分出两个表中的字段 */
select em.first_name,d.department_name 
from hr.employees em left join hr.departments d 
on em.department_id = d.department_id
select em.first_name,d.department_name 
from hr.employees em right join hr.departments d 
on em.department_id = d.department_id
select em.first_name,d.department_name 
from hr.employees em inner join hr.departments d 
on em.department_id = d.department_id
select em.first_name,d.department_name 
from hr.employees em left join hr.departments d 
on em.department_id = d.department_id 
union select em.first_name,d.department_name 
from hr.employees em right join hr.departments d
on em.department_id = d.department_id
-- 查询出所有员工和部门的名称:使用全连接,包括没有部门的员工以及没有员工的部门
select count(*) from hr.employees where salary > 5000
-- 统计月薪高于5000的员工有多少人
select max(salary),min(salary) 
from hr.employees 
where department_id = 100
-- 统计id为100的部门的最高工资和最低工资是多少
select avg(salary) from hr.employees
-- 统计平均月薪
select sum(salary) from hr.employees 
-- 统计月薪总和

分组查询group by
select avg(salary),department_id 
from hr.employees group by department_id
-- 查询每个部门的平均月薪和id,只能查询统计函数或部门id这种分组内一致的数据,其它比如员工姓名等不能查询
select avg(salary),department_id 
from hr.employees group by department_id 
having avg(salary) >6000
-- 查询平均月薪大于6000的部门的平均月薪和部门id



select employee_id,department_id,salary 
from hr.employees 
where salary < 5000 and department_id >= 50 and department_id <=90


select * from hr.employees where last_name || first_name like '_______________'

3.显示姓名不带有“ R ”的员工

select * from hr.employees where last_name || first_name not like '%R%'

4.查询所有员工的部门的平均工资,要求显示部门编号,部门名,部门所在地(需要多表关联查询: employees, department, location)

select avg(em.salary), em.department_id,d.department_name,l.street_address  
from hr.employees em
left join hr.departments d
on em.department_id = d.department_id
left join hr.locations l
on d.location_id = l.location_id
group by em.department_id ,d.department_name,l.street_address
-- 必须给统计函数约束范围,并约束范围时要列出查询时除了统计函数以外的所有字段

子查询 ()
select count(*) from hr.employees where salary > 
 select salary from hr.employees where first_name = 'Bruce'
分页查询 rownum
select * from
(select rownum r, e1.* from --添加伪列r,rownum是从1开始,用于给查询出的内容加上序号
   select * from hr.employees order by salary desc --按月薪倒序查询
  ) e1 --命名为e1
) e2 where e2.r >=6 and e2.r<=10 -- 加上伪列的查询结果命名为e2,并查询出伪列序号为6到10的行
-- 查询工资第6到第10高的员工信息


1.查询所在部门所在城市为’South San Francisco’的员工

select * from hr.employees e 
inner join hr.departments d 
on e.department_id = d.department_id
inner join hr.locations l
on d.location_id = l.location_id
where l.city = 'South San Francisco'


select * from hr.employees 
where department_id = (select department_id from hr.employees where employee_id = 143)
and job_id = (select job_id from hr.employees where employee_id = 143)
and salary > (select salary from hr.employees where employee_id = 143)


select department_id,department_name 
from hr.departments 
where department_id in
    (select department_id from
        select sum(salary) s,e1.department_id  
        from hr.employees e1 
        group by e1.department_id
     where s in 
        (select max(s) from
            select sum(salary) s,e1.department_id  
            from hr.employees e1 
            group by e1.department_id
            ) /*查询出各个部门的总工资和id*/

创建表 create table
create table hero( --hero表名
  id number, --number数字类型
  name varchar2(30), --varchar2(30)可变长字符类型,最大长度30
  hp number,
  mp number,
  damage number,
  armor number,
  speed number
) --创建完成后可以select验证一下,不过表里还没有数据

两种都是变长的,对于汉字(unicode)的处理有区别:varchar如果放的是英文和数字,就用一个字节存放,如果是汉字(unicode),就用两个字节;varchar2 统一使用两个字节。一般都直接使用varchar2,使用varchar很少了

插入数据 insert into
insert into hero(id,name,hp,mp,damage,armor,speed) values (1,'锤石',5000,1000,800,500,500)
序列 sequence
/* 创建序列 create sequence */
create sequence hero_seq 
  increment by 1 --每次增加1
  start with 1 --从1开始
  maxvalue 9999999 --最大值9999999
/* 获得hero_seq下一个值 */
select hero_seq.nextval from dual --dual是伪表
-- 每次获取都加1

/* 获得heor_seq当前值 */
select hero_seq.currval from dual

/* 把hero_seq的下一个值作为id存入hero表 */
insert into hero (id,name,hp,mp,damage,armor,speed)
-- 多执行几次,可以select查看一下,hero_seq.nextval每次递增
伪表 dual
/* 查询999*999的值 */
select 999*999 from dual
/* 字符串拼接 */
select concat('010-','88888888')||'转23' 高乾竞电话 from dual;


修改数据 update set
update hero set damage = 46 where id = 17
-- 修改一个数据
update hero set hp = 1,mp = 2 where id = 15
-- 修改多个数据


删除数据 delete from
delete from hero where id = 4
delete from hero
舍去表 truncate table
truncate table hero

truncate 比delete更快,更彻底,并且不能恢复,不能回滚。所以只有在确定要删除一个表所有记录的时候,才能执行这个操作

修改表结构 alter
/* 增加字段 add */
alter table hero add(kills number)

/* 修改字段 modify */
alter table hero modify(name varchar2(300))

/* 删除字段 drop column */
alter table hero drop column kills
删除表 drop table
drop table hero
-- 删除hero表,这句不能回滚,使用时一定要非常小心
/* 唯一约束 unique */
create table hero1(
   id number,
   name varchar2(30) unique,-- 添加unique约束
   hp number,
   mp number,
   damage number,
   armor number,
   speed number
insert into hero1 (name)values('锤石') --执行两次试试
-- 创建完成后插入有相同name的数据就会提示出错:违反唯一约束条件(后面的约束名字是系统自动分配的)

/* 添加约束并命名 constraint */
create table hero2(
   id number,
   name varchar2(30),
   hp number,
   mp number,
   damage number,
   armor number,
   speed number,
   constraint uk_hero2_name unique (name) -- 给name添加unique约束并命名
-- 创建完成后再插入有相同name的数据时就会提示违反了uk_hero2_name的约束
-- uk代表unique,hero2表名,name约束的字段,约束名称是自定义的,但是为了提高易读性通常会这么命名

/* 给已经存在的表添加唯一约束 primary key */
alter table hero1 add constraint pk_hero1_id primary key (id)
-- 添加主键的字段不能有NULL值

/* 删除约束 */
alter table hero1 drop constraint pk_hero1_id 

/* 添加外键约束 foreign key  references */
create table kill_record(
   id number, --id
   killerid number, --杀人的人的id
   killedid number, --被杀的人的id
   number_ number, --次数
   constraint fk_killer_hero foreign key (killerid) references hero1(id), --必须是主键或者有唯一约束的字段
   constraint fk_killed_hero foreign key (killedid) references hero1(id)
-- 用来记录杀人关系
insert into hero1 (id,name) values (1,'锤石');
insert into hero1 (id,name) values (2,'安妮');
insert into kill_record (id,killerid,killedid,number_) values(1,1,2,1);
-- 代表锤石击杀了安妮一次
视图 view
create view hero1simple as(
       select id,name from hero1
-- 创建一个只有hero1表中的id和name两个字段的简易表
select * from hero1simple
-- 之后就可以像一个普通的表一样操作了



更新于2019-11-29 中午

